The Design Team Members need to be able to scrap both Layouts and Cards. I will upload a new Sketch or Challenge each Tuesday. We will rotate between Sketches and Challenges as follows:
Week 1: Layout Sketch
Week 2: Recipe Challenge
Week 3: Card Sketch
Week 4: Journaling Challenge
After week 4, we will start the rotation again. And that is why it is important that the Design Team be able to scrap both Layouts and Cards.
Design Team Members will be given a months worth of Sketches and Challenges at a time to work on. For example, all new Design Team Members will be given four Sketches and Challenges on December 5th and will be expected to return their items to me no later than December 31st. Each Month will be similar.
Each Design Team Member is responsible for turning in one Recipe Challenge and one Journaling Challenge to me at the beginning of their Design Team Term. Those Challenges will be used during the Design Team Term as I see fit. Design Team Members will get credit on the blog for all Challenges they create.
Sketches! Design Team Term will be for four months. January 1 – April 30.
Design Team members are to promote the Sketches! {by tamara} blog on their personal blogs and Message Boards.
Design Team members are required to have a Sketches! {by tamara} Blinkie, along with a link to the Sketches! {by tamara} blog on their personal blogs.
Being on the Sketches! Design Team is something that is done without pay. I do the sketches blog for fun and make no money on it. Therefore, I can not pay someone for their part in helping out with the Sketches! Blog. Basically, we all do it for the love we have of for scrapping.
For those interested, email me a link to your blog preferably, or online gallery where I can see your work. Please make sure you have both cards and layouts on your blog or in your online gallery for me to see. If you don't have a blog or online gallery, you can send me two completed layouts AND cards you have recently made. Please email me at . Please put "Sketches! Design Team" in the subject line.
Deadline is December 4th.
New Design Team Members will be announced on the blog on December 5th and your first Layout or Card being posted on the blog on January 5th, 2010.
If you have any questions, feel free to email me.