Today I am featuring cards and layouts that were uploaded using Card and Layout Sketches #74 and also Recipe Challenge #27.
We will be taking a few weeks off from uploading on the Sketches! Blog for Christmas. So the next Sketches! Inspiration won't be until after the New Year.
On January 9th, I will feature cards and layouts that were made using either Card or Layout Sketch #75, in addition, Recipe Challenge #28. I will draw 10 names from those who linked up their work in the comment section. It needs to be uploaded no later than Saturday, January 3rd to be eligible to be featured here on the blog.
Have a great weekend!




Tamara. First, let me wish you & yours a truly blessed holiday. Next, I want to thank you for a fantastic blog which certainly brings out my creativity and provides wonderful inspirations from the very talented ladies that submit to those challenges. I look forward to more enjoyment from your blog in the coming year.
Stef H
Cute stuff everyone!! Great cards and layouts!!
my card is there this week again
thanks a lot
I really love this blog and moreover I can practice my English :)
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