Thursday, March 5, 2009

Card Sketch #85

Happy Thursday!

This is the last week for Jackie, Bree, Deborah and Stacy on the Design Team. I am very sad to see each of these Talented ladies leave the team. Good Luck to each of you!

Check out their last creations for the Sketches! {by tamara} blog. And you can also see the rest of the Design Teams fabulous cards.

If you decide to use this sketch, we would love to see it. Just leave a link in the comment section of where to find your card. Your card could be featured here next week for our Friday Inspiration.












Joaniebolognie said...

As usual....LOVE these cards! Great job ladies!

Anonymous said...

Wow, great cards, ladies!

Sylvia Blum said...

WoW! So many gorgeous cards! Thanks for the inspiration :-)

Olena said...

Beautiful cards, girls! And very welcom New DT girls! Good luck!

Mery said...

I love the sketch. So I tried it. And this is the result.

Tenia Nelson said...

Great Cards, ladies!!!

Becca said...

I love looking at your sketches each week! This one was so fun that I had to make a card with it. I loved the examples and had fun making my own! Here are my cards:

Dawn♥ said...

Gorgeous cards ladies!

Carol said...

Just like to say 'All the Best' to the girls that are leaving, i have loved creating alongside you all over the past months ;-D

Big Hugs
Carol x

Judy said...

Wow, what a great sketch and cards. Here's my card using the sketch

Barbara said...

Great cards, ladies!! Here's mine:

Fly Away With Me

wendipooh13 said...

woo hooo sooo many beautiful cards ladies!!!

Marcia @ Pretty Things said...

Forgot to post my link is my take on this great sketch:

Some great cards here, well done.

:) Marcia

Anonymous said...

Great sketch and great inspiration from the DT. Here is my card.


Hazel said...

Lovely sketch and cards - just right for the card I needed to make - it's here

Christy said...

The design team samples are delish!!! Great job ladies :)

Here is my card!

Tip Top said...

Great sketch! Here is mine!

Made by Mandy said...

I love this sketch, great way of using scraps of paper and I have loads of those!

Mandy's Card

Susie Little said...

Hi Tamara,
Long time no be around!!!!

Here's where you'll find my effort.

Susie xx

Jess said...

Cute cards from the DT! It took me awhile to post but here's my take

Lesley said...

Great cards! Here's mine